Member of Childcare Aware of America and NAEY (National Association for the Education of Young Children).
Member of the Early Childhood Education, Virginia Department of Education.
Member of Virginia Quality – Committed to Quality Early Learning
Member of Smart Beginnings – Ready for School Ready for life
Certificate of Completion “Learning Environment: How the classroom organization influences behavior / Ambiente de Aprendizaje: Cómo la disposición del salón de clases influye en el comportamiento” Obtained in January 2020. Quality Assist, Accredited Provider by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training.
Certificate of Completion “Understanding child abuse and its prevention / Comprendiendo el abuso infantil y su prevención” Obtained in January 2020. Quality Assist, Accredited Provider by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training.
Certificate of Completion “Stop Lice: Preventing Contagious Diseases / Detener los piojos: Prevención de enfermedades contagiosas” Obtained in August 2020. Quality Assist, Accredited Provider by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training.
Certificate of Completion “Safe Spaces to learn and grow / Espacios y Lugares Seguros para aprender y crecer” Obtained in September 2020. Quality Assist, Accredited Provider by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training.
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